Hello to all those persons who are visiting or using this blog.
There are many software sites in all over the world that provides free softwares i.e. freeware softwares. This blog is created to provide those links at one place.
1. Here is the first site filehippo.com
About FileHippo.com
With FileHippo.com our aim is to provide you with the simplest method of downloading the newest versions of the best software - without the usual excessive popups or spyware and without the low quality software.
- Only the best software, we focus on quality not quantity.
- Very fast servers with 100Mb connections, to make your downloads as fast as possible.
- We keep the old versions of programs, so if you update and don't like the new version, you can always return to the old one.
- All software is 100% spyware and virus free.
- Filtering feature to allow you to only show Freeware and/or Non-beta software.
- Full support for resuming downloads and download managers.
- Change log and technical details for downloads.
- RSS feeds for all updates, categories and for individual programs.
- New European and US download servers.
- Optimized pages for faster browsing.
- Update Checker to scan your machine for old software.
2. http://www.freewarefiles.com/
At this site you will find:-
Downloadable softwares, Games, Internet tools, Themes, Free music downloads, Audio converter, Developer tools, Drivers, Desktop, Screen savers, Utilities, Clip art, and many more..... |
3. http://www.brothersoft.com/
BrotherSoft.com was created in July 2002, and provided user with a way to download shareware and freeware, which are developed by different authors(programmers) all over the world. We also promote the products of the authors' because we wish to improve the software industry throughout the world.
BrotherSoft.com is not only a website for downloading software. We also evaluate the all the developer submited software based on our established evaluation criteria.We also give all the software developers an honest opinion. The reason we provide the software developer with our honest opinion is so that the developer may provide more appealing and function products in the future.
4. http://www.topdownloads.net/
Here you can find Softwares, Games, Screen-savers, Wallpapers, Mac Softwares, Love poems, video clips,
Recipes, Mobile and many more....
5. Download.com
It is the biggest downloadable site for downloading softwares like freeware, shareware etc.
If u want any kind of software or any information about the soft then just visit that site.
6. http://freewarehome.com/
Freeware Home is an indexed collection of FREE programs commonly found on the Internet around the globe that match the following definitions:
» freeware - Free software, often written by enthusiasts and distributed by users' groups, or via electronic mail, local bulletin boards, Usenet, or other electronic media.
» open source - Term appeared in March 1998 following the Mozilla release to describe software distributed in source under licenses guaranteeing anybody rights to freely use, modify, and redistribute, the code.
» shareware is NOT free. There is one form of shareware that is free for non-commercial use. It meets our definition of Freeware for individuals and is included in our collection.

Shutdown XP Faster
Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown windows
XP when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. To solve this problem you must disable this
useless sound.
· Click Start button.
· Go to settings> Control Panel> Sound, Speech and Audio devices> Sounds and Audio
Devices> Sounds.
· Then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and
highlight it. Now from sounds you can select, choose "none" and then click Apply and
Now you should see some improvements when shutting down your system.
Turn Off System Restore to Save Space
By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information
folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to
back up your system files:
· Open the Control Panel.
· Double-click on System.
· Click the System Restore tab.
· Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives".
· Hit Apply.
· You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.
Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to
restore your system in case of failure.
Correcting System Hang at Startup
If your system hangs about 2 or 3 minutes at startup, where you can't access the Start
button or the Taskbar, it may be due to one specific service (Background Intelligent
Transfer) running in the background. Microsoft put out a patch for this but it didn't
work for me. Here's what you do:
· Click on Start/Run, type 'msconfig', then click 'OK'.
· Go to the 'Services' tab, find the 'Background Intelligent Transfer' service.
· Disable it, apply the changes & reboot.
Disable XP Boot Logo
It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the
overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause you not
to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ), but if your system
runs without any problems then it should not matter.
· Edit boot.ini.
· Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".
Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by removing the
new switch.
Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up XP
Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the
hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to
index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc. If you do
not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then you may want to turn this feature
· Open My Computer.
· Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.
· At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this disk
for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.
· A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.
It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should enjoy
slightly faster performance.
Clean Your Prefetch to Improve Performance
This is a unique technique for WinXP. We know that it is necessary to scrub registry
and TEMP files for Win9X/ME/2000 periodically. Prefetch is a new and very useful
technique in Windows XP. However, after using XP some time, the prefetch directory can
get full of junk and obsolete links in the Prefetch catalog, which can slow down your
computer noticeably.
· Open C(system drive):/windows/prefetch, delete those junk and obsolete files,
reboot. It is recommended that you do this every month.
Performance Increase Through My Computer
Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of us
still don't find it right away. So here it is:
· Start> right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
· Click on the "Advanced" tab.
· See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings".
· Disable the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster.
Customize the Start menu
The Start menu gets more real estate in XP than in previous versions, and it's more
customizable. To make the Start menu display only the applications you want, rather than
the default determined by Microsoft:
· Right-click in an empty section of the Start menu's left column.
· Select Properties> Start Menu> Customize. Here you'll find a list of your most
frequently used programs. (XP keeps track of what you use and what you don't, then
updates this list dynamically).
Don't want your boss to know that Pinball, Solitaire, and Quake all make your list?
· Go to the General tab, click Clear List, and set the counter to zero.
This is for broad band connections, though it might work for dial up.
· Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".
· Start->Run->type gpedit.msc
· Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch.
· Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.
· Expand the "Network Branch".
· Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.
· In right window double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting.
· On setting tab check the "Enabled" item.
· Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0.
Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot. This is more of a "counter
what XP does" thing. In other words, programs can request up to 20% of the bandwidth be
reserved for them, even with QoS disabled.
Keep Your Favorite Programs Near the Top of the Start Menu
Do you have a favorite program that you frequently use? Elevate its priority on the
Start menu by putting it at the top of the list. This ensures that the program will
remain on the Start menu and cannot be bumped by other programs, even if you use the
others more frequently.
· Right-click the link to your favorite program on the Start menu and select Pin to
Start Menu. Your program will be moved permanently to the top part of the list, just
below your browser and e-mail programs.
Compress Files and Folders in Windows XP
Running out of room on your hard disk? Need some extra space to install a new
program? Don't worry, Windows XP comes to the rescue. Both Windows XP Professional and
Home Edition now include a zip compression utility that you can use to compress files and
folders on your hard disk.
· Right-click the file or folder.
· Point to Send To.
· Then click Compressed (zipped) Folder.
This will make a compressed folder, identified by a zipper icon, which displays the
same name as the file you compressed. You can also make a compressed folder from
scratch, by following these steps:
· Right-click the Desktop.
· Point to New.
· Click Compressed (zipped) Folder.
7. http://downloads.zdnet.com/
ZDNet's Software Directory is the Web's largest library of software downloads. Covering software for Windows, Mac, and Mobile systems, ZDNet's Software Directory is the best source for technical software.
8. http://www.coffeecup.com
9. http://www.phazeddl.com/
one of the best sites to search any kind of software.
* If you want any other kind of information just let me know.
This software increases the speed of the data that u copy from your system. and many other useful options are also available in it.
IDM is a great software which is used while downloading the files. This software increases the speed while downloading any file.
Tips and Tricks for

Shutdown XP Faster
Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown windows
XP when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. To solve this problem you must disable this
useless sound.
· Click Start button.
· Go to settings> Control Panel> Sound, Speech and Audio devices> Sounds and Audio
Devices> Sounds.
· Then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and
highlight it. Now from sounds you can select, choose "none" and then click Apply and
Now you should see some improvements when shutting down your system.
Turn Off System Restore to Save Space
By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information
folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to
back up your system files:
· Open the Control Panel.
· Double-click on System.
· Click the System Restore tab.
· Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives".
· Hit Apply.
· You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.
Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to
restore your system in case of failure.
Correcting System Hang at Startup
If your system hangs about 2 or 3 minutes at startup, where you can't access the Start
button or the Taskbar, it may be due to one specific service (Background Intelligent
Transfer) running in the background. Microsoft put out a patch for this but it didn't
work for me. Here's what you do:
· Click on Start/Run, type 'msconfig', then click 'OK'.
· Go to the 'Services' tab, find the 'Background Intelligent Transfer' service.
· Disable it, apply the changes & reboot.
Disable XP Boot Logo
It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the
overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause you not
to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ), but if your system
runs without any problems then it should not matter.
· Edit boot.ini.
· Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".
Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by removing the
new switch.
Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up XP
Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the
hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to
index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc. If you do
not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then you may want to turn this feature
· Open My Computer.
· Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.
· At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this disk
for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.
· A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.
It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should enjoy
slightly faster performance.
Clean Your Prefetch to Improve Performance
This is a unique technique for WinXP. We know that it is necessary to scrub registry
and TEMP files for Win9X/ME/2000 periodically. Prefetch is a new and very useful
technique in Windows XP. However, after using XP some time, the prefetch directory can
get full of junk and obsolete links in the Prefetch catalog, which can slow down your
computer noticeably.
· Open C(system drive):/windows/prefetch, delete those junk and obsolete files,
reboot. It is recommended that you do this every month.
Performance Increase Through My Computer
Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of us
still don't find it right away. So here it is:
· Start> right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
· Click on the "Advanced" tab.
· See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings".
· Disable the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster.
Customize the Start menu
The Start menu gets more real estate in XP than in previous versions, and it's more
customizable. To make the Start menu display only the applications you want, rather than
the default determined by Microsoft:
· Right-click in an empty section of the Start menu's left column.
· Select Properties> Start Menu> Customize. Here you'll find a list of your most
frequently used programs. (XP keeps track of what you use and what you don't, then
updates this list dynamically).
Don't want your boss to know that Pinball, Solitaire, and Quake all make your list?
· Go to the General tab, click Clear List, and set the counter to zero.
This is for broad band connections, though it might work for dial up.
· Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".
· Start->Run->type gpedit.msc
· Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch.
· Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.
· Expand the "Network Branch".
· Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.
· In right window double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting.
· On setting tab check the "Enabled" item.
· Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0.
Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot. This is more of a "counter
what XP does" thing. In other words, programs can request up to 20% of the bandwidth be
reserved for them, even with QoS disabled.
Keep Your Favorite Programs Near the Top of the Start Menu
Do you have a favorite program that you frequently use? Elevate its priority on the
Start menu by putting it at the top of the list. This ensures that the program will
remain on the Start menu and cannot be bumped by other programs, even if you use the
others more frequently.
· Right-click the link to your favorite program on the Start menu and select Pin to
Start Menu. Your program will be moved permanently to the top part of the list, just
below your browser and e-mail programs.
Compress Files and Folders in Windows XP
Running out of room on your hard disk? Need some extra space to install a new
program? Don't worry, Windows XP comes to the rescue. Both Windows XP Professional and
Home Edition now include a zip compression utility that you can use to compress files and
folders on your hard disk.
· Right-click the file or folder.
· Point to Send To.
· Then click Compressed (zipped) Folder.
This will make a compressed folder, identified by a zipper icon, which displays the
same name as the file you compressed. You can also make a compressed folder from
scratch, by following these steps:
· Right-click the Desktop.
· Point to New.
· Click Compressed (zipped) Folder.
.........To be continued